Microdermabrasion/Microexfoliation - Services

MicroDermabrasion / MicroExfoliation

Who Can Benefit? MicroExfoliation offers benefits to anyone who wants to improve specific skin conditions and rejuvenate the overall health and appearance of their skin. Rejuvenates sun damaged skin - face, neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs Reduce age spots Minimize blotchy skin coloring Reduce acne and superficial scars from past injury Extract blackheads and whiteheads Oily Skin Improve overall skin health For people on the go, a MicroExfoliation treatment using the DiamondTomeTM Wand offers exceptional benefits. Ideal for a special event or as a program for overall skin rejuvenation, this treatment is non-invasive, painless and requires no downtime from work or social activities. Normal activities may be resumed immediately after treatment. Your skin is free of redness, irritation and particle contamination Read More...